International Call for Artists



The theme for The Peace Project‘s 4th Annual Call for Artists is “Peace, Love & Understanding.”

This international juried art competition and exhibition connects peace-minded individuals everywhere in the pursuit of a better world that art can help create.

I wish to invite all the amazing artists and bloggers on WordPress to submit your vision of “Peace, Love & Understanding” to this art competition that I’ve been involved with since its inception in 2010.


Best of Show $1,000 Cash
Peace Maker Awards (2) $ 300 Cash
Color Awards (5) Art Set (valued at $200) compliments of Prismacolor
Inspiration Awards (7) 2013 Commemorative Peace Project Book
All awardees will also receive a copy of The Best of Elvis Costello, which includes his track (What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding.


Deadline for submissions is 2pm, USA Pacific Time, August 16th, 2013.

Open to all visual artists worldwide.

Artist must be a member of and have a completed profile. (There is no cost to become a member. Click

Work must be two-dimensional and original work may be any medium.

Original canvas may be any size, however, submitted artwork must be cropped to square as all selected pieces will be printed and mounted (by The Whole 9) on 1 foot x 1 foot panels (approximately 30.5cm x 30.5cm) for the exhibition.


A short explanation of the artist’s vision about the piece must be included, along with a description of the medium.

150 submissions will be selected for inclusion in exhibition.

If selected, artist must be able to provide a high-quality, high-resolution file (minimum of 300 dpi) of image that will be printed and mounted on a panel.

Artists retain rights to submitted works, but grant The Whole 9 and The Peace Project rights to the digital reproduction of their submission(s) to include in The Peace Project’s traveling exhibition, commemorative book, and any other merchandise produced to raise funds for The Peace Project or promotion of The Peace Project. ALL proceeds from sales of artwork and merchandise will be used to transform lives through Peace Project initiatives.


$10 per piece paid when piece is submitted online. Your submission will not be visible until the fee is paid.

There is no limit to the number of works that may be submitted.

More than one piece from an artist may be selected and included in the exhibit.


Entries must be submitted online by 2pm Pacific Time, Friday, August 16th, 2013.

Notification of juried results will be announced by September 7th, 2013.


The Peace Project and The Whole 9 are conceived upon the philosophy of inclusion — encouraging people from all cultures, religions, and creative walks of life, to participate, connect, share resources, and help find solutions for a better world. We will gladly waive the fee for any artist (especially artists outside of North America) that wants to participate but is unable to do so because of the submission fee or because PayPal is not used in your country.

Please follow the submission instructions and when you get to the payment page, log out and send an email to and we will post your submission.

Learn about what The Peace Project has accomplished with the help of artists worldwide by visiting



This exhibition will be unveiled on World Peace Day, September 21st at Affair of the Arts in Culver City, CA, and will then makes stops throughout the United States. Confirmed appearances include:

September 21st & 22nd — Affair of the Arts, Culver City, CA

October 3rd — Evening Reception, Landmark Arts Building, Chelsea, NY

October 5th — Open House, Landmark Arts Building, Chelsea, NY

October 12th — 29 Pieces, Dallas, TX

November 1st — Long Beach First Fridays (in conjunction with Gallery Expo), Long Beach, CA

November 23rd — The Whole 9 Gallery, Culver City, CA

Early 2014 — San Francisco, CA

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your artwork.

Peace and blessings,


Published by Michele D'Acosta

NFT artist/filmmaker NFTs for social good

45 thoughts on “International Call for Artists

  1. Thanks for this here. Will study it but am not sure if I’ll enter as I may not have anything good enough but will study this in the name of Peace, Love and Understanding as most of my songs are about this even though Apocalyptic….Love and Good Health to you..Jim’s anniversary nearly collides with my mother’s anniversary whom I’ve seen in dreams with Jim years ago(a health issue for a friend)…Nite..

    1. I bless your beautiful light. Sending you love and support and hope you submit some of your heartfelt and illuminated work. All submissions will be included in a commemorative book that will be published in hardback. Thinking of you in the wake of Jim’s and your mother’s anniversary. I very much treasure our threads and connections. Peace and light, have a good night. Michele

  2. This sounds like an incredible project!
    Lamentably, I fear that my DraliDoodles are not of sufficient quality :-)! Hopefully we will be able to view some of the submissions online, though.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I urge you to summit your peace-related artwork. Yours is an important voice that deserves to be heard far and wide. Thank you and have a beautiful day. Michele

      1. I am thinking of a collage, and tossing up whether it needs poetry on it, or with the entry – have an idea of inner peace brewing and another peace through music. Thanks for asking.

      2. If you feel so inclined, I’m happy to give you feedback on your artwork before you submit it to The Peace Project. In any case, if you find a way to include poetry in your piece that might be the answer. Best of luck πŸ™‚ Blessings, Michele

      3. Wow, what a beautiful picture. I love it. Especially the layering and overlapping of the themes of inner and outer peace. Let me know if you need any help submitting your piece to the art competition. Love and blessings to you. And thank you too for reblogging the post. Your support means so much to us. Michele

      4. Thanks for your encouragement will do the submission tomorrow. Have rung some of my artists friends know about the project as well.

    1. Hi Hanne, lovely to hear from you and I strongly encourage you to submit your incredible photography to The Peace Project’s Call for Artists. The most important requirement is to submit a square image — as close as possible to 30 x 30 cm. A photograph with a poem/words written on it would be perfect. Please feel free to be in touch again if you would like me to review your piece and give feedback, before making your submission. Hope all is going well for you. Peace and blessings. Michele

      1. Thank you Michele. I will definitely see if I can find anything that fits the project. My camera has broken down but I will go through my archives. Would be lovely to support with an image. All is well on this end thank you, I hope the same for you.

      2. Hi Hanne, hope you get your camera mended very soon. There were so many incredible images you posted for the photo challenges earlier in the year that fit the theme of Peace, Love and Understanding. As well as the chance of winning the prize money, the Peace exhibit travels all over the United States giving the opportunity for great exposure of your work. I hope you’ll give it a whirl!!

      3. Michele, I will definitely give it a whirl πŸ™‚ As for my camera, it has departed but I’m saving for a new one. Friends and strangers alike are donating to help me get a new one, so hopefully before the year is over I will have one by my side again πŸ™‚ Is there anyone particular you sense would fit? I’ve been looking through my archives today and haven’t yet decided on one…

      4. It’s fantastic to hear that people care so much about you and your work. Perhaps The Peace Project will help you too in some way. I would be happy to look through your blog archives and select some images for you to choose from.

        Much love and peace.


      5. thank you so much for your words, yes, I’m quite in stunned myself. It would be absolutely great if you would look, only if you have the time and it doesn’t feel like a chore! πŸ™‚

      6. Michele, I did something with a photograph that is very unusual for me…here’s my entry for the Peace Project

      7. Dear Hanne,

        Thank you so much for your beautiful submission to The Peace Project. I love what you did with the photograph. It has a really unique feel to it — so atmospheric and the colors are amazing.

        Also, I just had time to look through the archives and picked out a couple of images which I’d encourage you to submit. Don’t worry if you can’t afford the submission fees, we’re happy to waive the additional fees to encourage submissions from artists outside the United States.

        The footprints on the stones bring to mind “walking together in peace”.

        The world through your eyes is a perfect expression of ‘Peace, Love and Understanding”.

        Please let me know your thoughts.

        Thank you again and hope to meet you one day soon πŸ™‚

        Michele x

      8. Michele, thank you and it’s so very amazing that these two photos was exactly what I thought of as well, but went for the other because the foot-prints can’t be made into square size, but perhaps just one footprint will do? I will go for it, both of them. And thank you for the encouragement and immensely offer to help with submission fee, because yes, I’m so very budget and the tax-thing is unfortunately no good to me where I’m at at this moment….I would love to support financially too but, yes as you can tell I’m oddly enough being supported myself πŸ™‚ I will look at it later today

      9. Michele, thank you for your beautiful comment on the Peace Project. I’m replying here, since I still haven’t figured out how to reply in there πŸ™‚ And yes, we will meet one day, I’m sure of it!

      10. Michele, I wished to support the Peace Project with more photos than the one I have already and wrote an email re being helped with submission fee on your immensely kind offer. Maybe it disappeared among probably thousands of emails. Just wanted to let you know why I haven’t submitted more and that I regardless support such beautiful initiatives with all my heart but unfortunately I can’t with finance. I’m so sorry about that. I hope your project spirals upwards to where you dream it to be. Have a beautiful day πŸ™‚

      11. Hanne, so sorry to hear that. We are inundated with requests at the moment but I will ensure that all your submissions are accepted. I am so touched by your support, and I hope everything is spiralling upwards for you. All best wishes and continued success for you. Have a beautiful day. Michele

      12. Hanne, I checked all the submissions and I’m thinking that for some reason your other submissions didn’t get uploaded. If you can bear it, please try again!! We’re happy to give you free submissions we just need your images πŸ™‚ Peace and love, Michele

      13. Michele, thank you so much for your kind replies. Apology for getting back this late, am traveling at the moment and not much online, but will for sure upload soonest πŸ™‚

      14. oh, I just now realized it’s closed for submission. I deeply apologize! I’ve been traveling and somewhat off the grid due to other circumstances too.. I’m sure the Peace Project has created some visible and invisible ripples. Looking forward to hear more.

  3. Hanne, perhaps without you realising this you’ve helped me so much. I’m so glad our hearts and minds are thinking alike about the two photos πŸ™‚ It would be interesting to try… one footprint. It is my pleasure to encourage you. You inspire so many people with your beauty and wisdom. Bless you. Also, if it’s appropriate would you care to reblog this post to your network?

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