Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned

dacostaiAre my dreams worth salvaging or should I abandon them immediately?


Published by Michele D'Acosta

NFT artist/filmmaker https://lookabox.me NFTs for social good https://www.buymeacoffee.com/3vUnc3oIIS

64 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned

  1. Amazing image, Michele!
    For myself I have found that even the abandoned dreams return, if they are ones that I’m deeply compelled to follow… I find it quite reassuring to have noticed that; it takes some of the pressure off… 😉

    1. Leslee, you always say the most wonderful things! I love the image of a magnificant wasteland for abandoned dreams… a place we can revisit in different lifetimes 🙂

  2. You are such an incredible artist! In everything you touch, no end to your depths. I’m serious!!
    All I know of dreams are, the day they become a burden and doesn’t make your spirit soar, it’s time to set them free. And if the dreams are for you, like love, they will come back. And often in wondrous ways not imaginable, even long after they have disappeared into forgotten land…

    1. Hanne, your appreciation is a gift to me. You’ve touched my heart. As one who follows her dreams I recognize that oftentimes dreams are like auras…. which flash fleetingly in front of one’s eyes. Other dreams have a permanence about them… they can be followed like signposts. You live your dreams, so you know this already 🙂 Love Michele

  3. Since 2007 I jumped from music to writing then after 6 years discovered that people wanted my photos in newspapers, magazines etc. so I ditched MySpace(all the links I had made who did nothing with the inforamtion I have them so it did not matter to me any more about being there). I kept in touch with a few Indie people and ONE well-known behind the scenes and have never looked back…YOU have done so much so just you decide what works best for you. I based my own decisions to depart from Twitter and other places on what others wanted so again if you are doing what YOU love doing just do it…I feel you have a great figt for encouraging others to enter competitions or do photography by simply being up here. I hadn’t taken a photo since 1984! Ended up in New York Art Gallery with a friends’s photo but NOT my exhibition..Connecting is great if you have a plan…I didn;t have a plan and just go with the flow and it leads me to where I should be at certain points in time…A higher intelligence guided me now as I am older and KNOW it’s right thing to do but not everyone believes the same..Their loss..I entered something you put up…WHY don’t you open your own PHOTO WEBSITE? Of you have done all of these then just ignore this…Lots of Love..

    1. Wow, THANK YOU. Your message comes through to me as if you were sitting beside me and looking straight into my eyes. In addition, I’m touched that you’ve shared some your story with me. I appreciate your kind words about my wish to inspire people to develop their creativity. I’m curious… when you say “open your own photo website” what do you see in your mind’s eye? Photography is deep in my bones. I took my first pictures with a Polaroid camera back in the 70s!! But, now, the need to shoot images is of a different magnitude and scope. Please say more… and let’s continue this conversation. I’m so grateful to you. Your support is unwavering. Love Michele

  4. I must be slow this week, I had to look twice to see the picture properly. It reminded me of those pics that look like something else until you look on a slightly different angle. You clever lady you. Dreams are just that until you give them a start by date, then they become real. Which ones are the most important? Are they realistic in a certain time frame? What is your gut telling you?

    1. Dear Laurie, I loved your comment! I’m curious to know what you saw when you first looked at the picture? 🙂 And… a start by date for dreams is a wonderful idea. You are blessed to listen to your intuition and have been guided to realize so many of your dreams. Or… at least that’s how I perceive your life to be… please tell me if I’m wrong! Blessings to you. Michele

      1. Thank you Michele. At first glance it looked to be a huge, ugly wound in something, then I shook my head a little, 🙂 then I tried to make out a face in the darker bits. Ha, it’s a white painted face. It’s strange how the brain works and tries to fit pieces into a whole. I wish I’d listened a lot more to my intuition, believe me but what I have taken notice of has served me well. Dreams will be a part of the new blog and I hope to go into them in some details. You’re right though, my dreams have guided me in some things.

    2. Laurie, I loved your words… “it looked to be a huge, ugly wound in something, then I shook my head a little…” You were right! The huge, ugly wound was the pained expression on my face when I was going through a rough patch. In the photograph, I’m wearing a cosmetic face mask that had cracked and dried by the time I’d completed a series of self-portraits. Interestingly, these photos have helped to heal some of my old ugly wounds. Thank you for caring and your continued support. Michele

      1. Well, that is interesting. Even a mask can’t hide the pain. Self doubt can be a terrible thing Michele, especially in one so talented. I think that when we can see our pain and show it to the world in some way, either through words or art then a change does take place.
        You’re welcome.

      1. Hi Michele -I have been away but glad to see you here now – wow! Wow-artist? Me? …lots of things but never an artist except for those pocket camera things I snap and then mutilate into pretty colors … I am a color converter coveter – ha!

      2. Scott, it’s always a pleasure to hear from you and I hope you enjoyed your journey “to the away”. In any case, I understand and respect your reasons for not wanting to call yourself an “artist”. It is unusual for a banker to deny that he or she is engaged in the business of banking, but, for whatever reasons, an artist chooses to use their artistic license to refute the title of “artist”.

      3. Ooops! 🙂 I hadn’t thought that. Maybe you have revealed to me a roadblock on my happy journey to Bliss? Ha! Artist – I think of painter or someone who creates art with media other than words. I can’t think of where you may have seen my camera creations, if you did, of which I have been playing with for a few months only, so I thought, pugnaciously self absorbed ( I love me some PUGS!), you were referring to them, but … hey, I just had an idea, thank you! I can create my snap shots with my wordplay …. hmmm… were you born a magician of the highest order, or did you turn around one day … & … poof, there you were?

      4. Still thinking of what you wrote… that is an interesting point … the banker analogy, although if a banker is smart the banker will detor at my street. 🙂 I am remembering …something a teacher – an acting teacher I think, said, “Always remain an amature. An amature is always in it for the love … & I was not really ‘away’, you know that. I was mixing grieving the anniversary of the day my best pal passed away, along with coming to terms with clarity to all that is happening in the world this day… coming to terms with the way of the world today was a cinch compared to the cruel mystic grief of lost laughter, but there is a glory & something eternal about my pal, Alex Johns… everything I write I write for him or because of him.. and all the laughter from those days of joy still echo as loud & as clear as if they had never ended.

      5. I am trying, using every bit of all my imagination to piece together even a remotely accurate overview of your journey to Angel City. It is a great challenge.I suppose I could ask but I love a great challenge chiseling out the features of a remarkable woman of the world.

  5. Clues, everywhere…. I am transfixed here by the time & date your page says it is, and the time & date I know is true for me here now. It is 5:17 PM, August 11, 2014 here, but 14:37, 12 August, 2014 there, or wherever you were when you set this page up.The trouble I am having is, that is not even possible. Oh, yes, I forget, anything is possible! 🙂 You actually live in the future.

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